Related ItemsFriends of John, etc.35 images 1946 Yearbook3 images 1949 Pike Register2 images 1951 Pike Register2 images March-April 1953Article: Acceleration Control3 images May 1953Scenery & Structures: Using photography to test realism Bill McClanahan and John Allen discuss1 image December 1954Article: The Gorre & Daphetid Will Rise Again, Bigger and Better2 images January 1960Article: Which is Best: Brass, Steel, or Nickel-Silver Rail?1 image October 1960Cartoon including John Allen1 image January 1961Article: Why Choose a Mountain Railroad?5 images September 1961John Allen - NMRA Double Booster1 image November 1961John Allen letter1 image February 1962Clinic announcement1 image September 1962NMRA Convention News2 images May 1963John contributes to data sheet, Watty House MMR announcement2 images January 1964John is a "Double Booster" again1 image December 1964John's slides used in a clinic1 image April 1965John Allen letter r.e. NMRA standards change1 image April 1967John on an NMRA trip to Europe, and a profile of friend George Hook5 images May 1967Article: End of a Model Railroad2 images June 1968Convention promotion car on the G&D1 image July 1968Convention promotion car on the G&D1 image September 1968cover photo and more2 images October 1968Humorous Jim Findley Convention report and cartoons on John's antics4 images November 1968cover photo1 image February 1969John Allen Clinic announcement and humorous story of mistaken identity2 images March 1970Heisler #6 photo1 image July 1970Letters r.e. Heisler speed1 image November 1970cover and article: Smoke and Railroads3 images December 1970Article: How Fast Did the Heisler Go?1 image March 1971London Convention news, "Thumbz" cartoon r.e. Heisler 2 images November 1971cover, article: How Large is a Model RR Layout?4 images February 1972layout photo and John's letter to the editor2 images May 1972John's letter to the editor1 image June 1972Article: How Large is a Model Railroad Layout? (update to Nov. 1971 article)3 images August 1972Cover and cartoon2 images September 1972John's NMRA postage stamp2 images December 1972Clinic announcement: #780-20 Optimum Use of Space1 image January 1972John's final article: The Desire for Excellence1 image February 1973We Have Lost a Friend2 images March 1973Announcement of the destruction of the G&D2 images December 1975cover photo, previously un-published1 image January 1977cover photo1 image March 1977Jerry Drake photo of Emma1 image July 1977Jerry Drake photo of Andrews1 image November 1977Clinic News: Jerry Drake G&D1 image December 1977Jerry Drake article on G&D animation features1 image January 1978cover photo by Jerry Drake1 image January 1980Bulline car on the ALP, John's figures1 image March 1980Beyond Great Divide - a John Allen Track Plan1 image August 1980John Allen figures on the ALP1 image September 1980Tape/Slide clinics, two John Allen available1 image December 1980cover and car sides6 images November 2005John's model of G&D#12 images October 2006, January 2007Howell Day Museum Commemorative Car #1 (box cars)3 images 2009, various monthsHowell Day Museum Commemorative Car #2 (Bulline)2 images 2010, various monthsHowell Day Museum Commemorative Car #3 (Bobber Waycar)1 image May 2019NMRA G&D and ALP Decals1 image September 2020NMRA Artifact Auction12 images May 1954May 2002