Article: Concept and Planning of the Gorre & Daphetid
Table of contents, cover caption: A small articulated with train drops slowly downgrade on Sims Loop skirting Giant Canyon on John Allen's Gorre & Daphetid.…
Featurette: This Could Be Your Pike
Article: Concept and Planning of the Gorre & Daphetid , pages 1 and 2 of 10 left photo caption: When modeling a large natural wonder, it can be dwarfed to fit…
right photo caption: It is possible to create the feeling that a railroad is fighting Nature for its precarious existence. Even when a modeler must consider his…
Article: Concept and Planning of the Gorre & Daphetid, page 3 of 10
photo caption: The GD Line represents one division of a bridge railroad. It begins at Gorre and reaches Great Divide after calling at Port and traversing the…
photo caption: Looking up Giant Canyon beyond Devils Post Pile we see a local mail-passenger train crossing French Gulch on one of the few wood bridges…
Article: Concept and Planning of the Gorre & Daphetid, page 4 of 10
photo caption: This visualization of the GD Line is not far (well, not too far) from the actual model plan, if you superimpose the part at upper right above the…
Article: Concept and Planning of the Gorre & Daphetid, page 5 of 10
photo 1 caption: This view toward Devils Gulch would be cluttered with unrealistic aisle areas if it weren't for the modeled canyon walls. One walkway runs down…
photo 2 caption: A mountain division has a higher ratio of locos to cars than a flatland railroad. Work cars on weedgrown spurs are the railroad's most decrepit…
Article: Concept and Planning of the Gorre & Daphetid, page 6 of 10
Article: Concept and Planning of the Gorre & Daphetid, page 7 of 10
Article: Concept and Planning of the Gorre & Daphetid, page 8, 9, and 10 of 10
merged panorama photo caption: Panoramic view from aisle near the Port control board shows about two thirds of the railroad. At left is the rugged Akinbak…