1960s Issues

June 1960

Letter to the Editor r.e. Ken Barnhart's Shay

2 images

September 1960

A "Trackside Photo"

1 image

July 1961

Cover Photo, Construction Kink r.e. track cleaner car

3 images

September 1961

Article: The Beginning of a Large Railroad Empire Article: A Ticket to Tomahawk, Please , by Al Armitage (Cold Shoulder station)

30 images

November 1961

Feature: Greg Teaby's Cab-Forward, weathered and photographed by John Allen

4 images

December 1961

Article: The Ride of Your Life!, photos by John Allen

7 images

October 1962

Article: ODD and EVEN (Impact detector cars)

6 images

March 1963

Article: Concept and Planning of the Gorre & Daphetid

17 images

April 1963

Trackside Photo: Bulline stock car

2 images

May 1963

Article: Realistic performance, Charles Douds & John Allen

Feature: Greg Teaby box car photographed by JA

4 images

January 1964

Article: Locomotives with Character - notes on aging and weathering steam locomotives

4 images

March 1964

"Bull Session" photo/description of John, Jack Work, and Roy Turner at the NMRA Mid-Continent Region convention in Oklahoma City

2 images

May 1964

Cover Photo: #5 at French Gulch

1 image

October 1965

Article: Jim Findley builds a Branchline Water Tank (based on the Daphetid tank)

8 images

March 1966

Article: Timing and Use of Clock in Operation

7 images

June 1966

Article: Why use scale time?

8 images

July 1966

At The Throttle: The Cruel Camera (comments by JA and Jim Findley)

1 image

November 1966

Article: A Small Brick Station, Part 1 (by Jim Findley)

8 images

December 1966

Article: A Small Brick Station, Part 2 (by Jim Findley)

6 images

May 1967

Bill McClanahan mentions John in his rock casting article

1 image

June 1967

Letters from Jim (Jim Findley, mentions John)

2 images

August 1967

Article: 45 minutes at Eagle's Nest

Cover photo: GD roundhouse

4 images

October 1967

A "Trackside Photo"

1 image

November 1967

Letters to the Editor r.e. August 1967 issue

1 image

May 1968

Article: Two Level Station, Attractive Spacesaver, by Jim Findley

10 images

January 1969

Cover and Article: Local Passenger Train Over the Gorre & Daphetid Article: Signal Tower for Minimum Space , by Jim Findley

42 images1 other