1970s Issues

January 1970

Cover and Article: Car Ferry Anabel

8 images

April 1970

Article: Kimchi Gas Works,by Jim Findley

8 images

June 1970

Article: Model Railroaders Go Sightseeing,by Linn Westcott (with pictures and mentions of John and several of his friends)

7 images

August 1970

Article: Freelance Layouts, Pro and Con,by Bill McClanahan (mentions John and several of his friends)

7 images

March 1971

Article: Compressed Gas Factory, by Jim Findley

8 images

November 1972

Article: The Timesaver, the final article authored by John

5 images

April 1973

Cover and Article: John Allen Posthumous Tribute, by Linn Westcott

20 images

February 1975

Article: The Tab System John Allen Used, by Andy Sperandeo

5 images

June 1976

Obituary: John's friend Watson "Watty" House

1 image

October 1976

Article: The Snap-Track Timesaver, by Russ Cain

3 images

September 1979

Article excerpt: Ed Radebaugh's discussion with John

1 image