July 1971, s1_033
From the slide set description: July of 1971 finds 2-8-0 #29 rumbling across the Squaw Creek High Bridge over Squawbottom Creek after passing thru the short…

July 1971, s0_082
GDRP comment: A slightly different angle of "s1_033"; the high bridge over Helengon Gap with Cold Shoulder behind. Eagles Nest is just visible at the top. The…

July 1971, s0_083
GDRP comment: Helengon Gap high bridge. See slides "s0_082" and "s1_033". (hi-res raw version)

July 1971, s0_088
GDRP comment: Great Divide depot which is doubled by the mirror. The tank on the roof disguises the edge of the mirror. (hi-res raw version)

July 1971, s2_038
From the slide set description: The train must be late at the G&D station, judging from the passengers and baggage on the platform. 7-71 (hi-res raw version)

July 1971, s0_085
GDRP comment: The main passenger depot in Great Divide. The freight yard in the foreground. Compare to "s2_038". (hi-res raw version)

July 1971, s0_090
GDRP comment: The Sand, Gravel, Rock and Coal bunkers at Port. (hi-res raw version)

July 1971, s2_031
From the slide set description: An end view of “Anabel” with 4-8-0 #68 zipping by with a local freight. 7-71 (hi-res raw version)

July 1971, s0_089
GDRP comment: A different angle and exposure of "s2_031"; the Anabel car ferry, either arriving at or sailing from the float bridge. (hi-res raw version)

July 1971, s0_086
GDRP comment: Number 40, with firebox glowing, heads west from Great Divide. Fluorescent paint gives Port Arms windows a greenish tint. (hi-res raw version)

September 1971, s2_006
From the slide set description: The night crew is busy at the Great Divide roundhouse and shops. 9-71 (hi-res raw version)

September 1971, s0_093
GDRP comment: Effective use of 'black light' fluorescence at Port. Note the Swensen’s Ice Cream sign on the right. (hi-res raw version)