April 1957, s1_003
From the slide set description: The yard and control panel at Gorre in April of 1957. GDRP comment: The Gorre roadbed and ties look complete, but there is lots…
April 1957, s1_004
From the slide set description: Ancient 4-4-0 #8 with wooden coaches in tow passes below the Butler Mine while a lone horseman views the unfinished high girder…
April 1957, s1_013
From the slide set description: Taylor Lake again in 1957 with one lone boatman in this scene from the original G&D Railroad. GDRP comment: Note the "smoke"…
April 1957, s0_010
GDRP comment: View from room entry over the Port area. Compare to July 1957 slide "s1_006". (hi-res raw version)
April 1957, s0_011
GDRP comment: Area behind Gorre enginehouse. Quarry on left with Butler Mine above. Note the approach span for the never completed bridge over Devil’s Gulch.…
July 1957, s1_006
From the slide set description: What Sowbelly and Scalp Mountain looked like in July of 1957. (hi-res raw version)
July 1957, s1_007
From the slide set description: The engine terminal area at Great Divide. The roundhouse and the buildings at Great Divide have yet to be built. Note the…
July 1957, s0_012
GDRP comment: The complete trolley loop can be seen, as well as some creative shimming of the rails. (hi-res raw version)
July 1957, s0_013
GDRP comment: Another view from the area of future Port Plastics. (hi-res raw version)