John Allen and The Timesaver ...What You'll Need to Play ...NOTE: The required files are LARGE. A 56k modem is not recommended.First, you'll need to have a copy of 3rd PlanIt Software by El Dorado Software. There is a demo copy you can use to try the Timesaver. Second, you'll need to open the John Allen Timesaver file and save to your computer. You can then open it in 3rd PlanIt. Be sure to save a clean copy as you can always call up the saved copy to start the game fresh with the correct placements. Third, you'll need a computerized stopwatch, such as the free version from FreeWatch 1.0. Timesaver RulesThere are two ways to play the game. You can play Best Time or Least Moves. This version of the game starts with five different cars of unique color and a locomotive. The locomotive must move at a preset constant speed, with only forward and reverse controls. No adjustment of speed is permitted. Each game starts with cars in the same position. The goal is to move the cars and the locomotive to the finish positions. You can either require uncoupling over an uncoupling ramp (like a KadeeTM system) or you can have your 'brakeman' uncouple anywhere you like as on the prototype. NOTE: John's Rules required that all uncoupling be done over the magnets ONLY.Game 1 – Best Time Game 2 – Least Moves |
Rolling Stock provided by the extremely talented
Paul Charland of the 3PIUSERS group.
Track drawing and program by
Scott Perry - Layout Design Service