John Allen's Gorre and Daphetid Railroad

How to contact the G&D team

We love feedback and comments from the users of this site. Listed below are several ways to let us know what you think, what you would like to see, and how we can improve this site for you.
So ... what do you think? Your comments about the site can be addressed to the Content Development Team.
Do you have more information on any of the pictures?
If so, please tell our Research team. All of our viewers will be grateful and we'll be sure you get credit when next we update the site.
Got a website that we should know about? If it supports our efforts to memorialize the talents of John Allen or the Gorre and Daphetid Railroad, the Link Review Team would love to hear from you.
Need to contact one of the team members individually, please address the e-mail to Team Member and place the person's name in the Subject line. Your mail will be forwarded. This is done to alleviate spam in individual team members' mailboxes.
Every website contains errors in coding. If you find an error or a broken link, please let our WebMaster know.
©2006 Peter T. Prunka, 2023 GDRP